Eventide is a pub/sub, event sourcing, and autonomous components toolkit with a durable messaging implementation for Postgres using Message DB.
Website: https://eventide-project.org
Docs: http://docs.eventide-project.org
Eventide was developed in the course of building applications at a consumer financial services company that was versed in service architectures, messaging, and traditional message bus, and had become mired in a legacy of monolithic applications.
The toolkit was operational in production systems for a year before it was open-sourced at the end of 2015.
Eventide reached a v1 release in November of 2018 when its documentation reached a point of readiness that allows adopters to learn at their own pace, and to support their on-going development efforts.
Eventide is currently the operational, production microservice backbone for a range of implementations, covering scenarios including:
- Marketing Automation
- Ad Tech
- Legal Automation
- Blockchain
- Consumer Mobile Banking
- Wealth Management
- Investments
- P2P Payments
- Affiliate Programs
- Bill Pay
- Loan Origination
- Loan Servicing
- Payroll
- Mortgage
- Data Analysis and Transformation
For more, see: Eventide History