Error Handling in Eventide Services

One word best sums up error handling in services: Don’t. »

Which Backend Database to Use with Eventide: Postgres or Event Store

The Eventide toolkit supports two backend database implementations of its message store: Postgres and Event Store. »

Six Great Reasons to Build Service Architectures in Ruby with Eventide

Service architectures in Ruby, you say? Certainly services can only be built in languages like Java and Go, and require elaborate messaging transport and mass-scale storage solutions that only the biggest teams and companies can afford! »

Announcing Eventide 1.0: Evented, Autonomous Microservices for Everyone!

The Eventide Project community is excited to announce the 1.0 release of Eventide: the best microservice, autonomous service, event/reactive, and event sourcing toolkit built in Ruby, and one of the best stacks available in any language! »